48 hrs to the end of registration with Promo Code & 48 hrs to the Official Opening of Registration

The first team to register for the 1st edition of the Appenninica MTB Stage Race was from the Czech Republic, last night at 00:04. Do you want to join them?

Here’s How.

Request your promo code by registering on the official event website. We’ll get back to you with the promo code and instructions.

Important to know:

  • If your team is not formed yet, you can still register and your teammate can join the team later (with promo code savings)
  • The 48 hr time window to secure registration before we open registration to everyone has been extended to be more mindful of the different time zones
  • Huge savings: save Euro 800 per team (Euro 400 per rider)

Not ready to plan your big race for next year yet?

Come back any time to sign up after November 4th, but do so before all of the 150 team slots are sold out.

Request your promo code now and take advantage of the extended time window: you now have until Sunday, November 4rd at 12.00 pm (GMT+1).

W Special

The W Special for Women teams is our unique way to say that we want Appenninica to be a friendly event with a competitive field of female riders. You can register you Women category team by asking for the W Special code by registering here.