The great mountain bike stage race challenge in the Emilia-Romagna Apennines trims its race days to six. The 2023 edition will take place from September 4 to 9; registration opens on December 1

The organizers of the Appenninica MTB Stage Race don’t like standing still. Following a 2022 edition, which earned excellent feedback from the world at large, the stage race in the Emilia-Romagna Apennines has already set the dates to be circled in red by champions and fans alike. The fifth edition of Italy’s most important MTB stage race will take place from September 4-9, 2023.
The dates reveal the first significant new development for the 2023 edition. The ASD Happy Trail MTB organizers have opted for a new 6-day race format instead of the previous seven, while maintaining the usual calendar dates in the first half of September. This choice was made to favor athletes in terms of logistics, and for a smoother race execution. Even with this new format, the appeal of one of the most challenging international races – as recognized by athletes and insiders alike – remains untouched.
“The 2022 edition has consolidated our growth. For this reason, we wanted to introduce a new format that won’t change the nature of the Appenninica MTB Stage Race but will allow us to improve some aspects at the logistical level, and also meet the needs of athletes, as well as improve the race experience. For 2023 there will be six stages instead of seven, but the setting in the Emilia-Romagna Apennines will be unchanged, as will the difficulty and epic nature of the challenge conceived by Appenninica. We believe it can enhance the event’s value,” said Milena Bettocchi and Beppe Salerno, co-organizers of the stage race.
The countdown to registration kicks off with the announcement of the 2023 dates. The “Early Bird” phase will officially open on Thursday, December 1, and end on December 31. Only fifty slots will be available at a reduced price during this period. Appenninica is a full-service race, and the entry fee not only includes the race number but also accommodations, meals, transfers between the stages, and other services. The entry fee will then increase in subsequent steps from January 1.
As for the last four editions, the organizers have confirmed the solo racer format and the number of race participants set to a maximum of 150. This number is aimed at avoiding overcrowding on the trails and ensuring a high standard of quality support for all participants.