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We have compiled the most frequent question and answers as well as the ones that we would have liked to ask as participants. This section will grow and be updated with the most frequent question and useful information.


Can I participate alone or in team?

Participation is only for solo riders.

Where can I find the rules?

You can read and download the rules HERE.

What are the categories?

Go to the dedicated section on the registration page.

How do I register?

To register for the Appenninica go to the dedicated page on the website. We use a third-party service for your registration and payment, but remain available for any further information or specific requests. Contact us.

How do I contact you?

Contact us here. Mind that replies come from [email protected] and that you should check your spam folder.

Can I transfer my registration?

You could change rider until April 30 without additional fees and until two months prior to the race for a fee of 50 Euro.

How much is registration?

Go to the dedicated page HERE

Do you have promotions and specials?

You can save by registering early. Go to the registration page for the most updated info.

What is included in the registration?

The Appenninica is a full-service race and as such includes: a marked course and professional timing system for 5 stages, accommodation for 5 nights, all breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, a minimum of 2 feed zones and water points for each stage, secured bike parking, a farewell party and much more! Click HERE to go to the What you Get webpage.

Where do I find cancellations and refund policies?

Go to the specific paragraph in the Registration page HERE

Recovery zone Appenninica MTB

Will there be an area for RVs/campers?

There will be a dedicated area for RVs and campers near the Race Village. Some of the host cities might also have some equipped campsites (information will be available on the host cities webpage).

Will there be parking?

Each rider will get a free parking pass with the race number, giving them access to the reserved area inside the Race Village at each stage. To access the reserved area, the pass needs to always be visible. No additional parking passes will be issued.

Can I park my car and retrieve it at the end of the race?

Yes, you can park in a designated area in the last host city and purchase the specific Extra Package to use the shuttle from the last host city to the location of stage 1. Transfer times will be published closer to race time. As an alternative, you can book a transfer from the last stage to the starting point for Sunday morning.

If I withdraw from the race, can I go back early and retrieve it?

The race organization does not offer early shuttle service back to the parking of the first host city, airport or any other destination prior to the end of the race. See race rules. Within reason, the organizer can help arrange a paid transfer.

How do I get to the Appenninica Stage 1 location?

If you do not travel with your vehicle, you can purchase a specific Extra Package with a shuttle service from the Bologna airport (the train station is connected via a monorail train called People Mover). Transfers are also offered from a parking place at stage 5 to the start.

Can I rely on the organization to go back to the airport at the end?

You can book and pay for a transfer from the last location to the Bologna airport for the morning of Saturday.

Where and when do we start?

The starting location will be announced at a later time. More info will be sent to all participants with the registration schedule.

Can you bring my bike box to the last host town?

Yes, we can bring your bike box and suitcase to the arrival city of the last stage at no extra cost. Keep in mind that you will not have access to it during the race even if you withdraw from the race early.

How much gear can I bring with me?

Everything you need during the race week including electrolytes and spare parts must remain in the race bag. The mattress, pillow, and sleeping bag can be stored in a separate bag provided by the organizer. The extra bag can also be useful to carry your spare parts and dirty clothes.

Do you provide a “day bag” service?

Each participant will receive a small bag with the race number that she/he can consign every morning before entering the starting grid and retrieve it after crossing the finish line.


Where exactly does the race start?


What distance and elevation gain does the race have?

The race consists of 6 stages. The competitors will face a distance of about 350km with 11.000m of elevation gain.

At what time do the stages start?

The competitors in the first grid start at 9:00 am or according to the announcement delivered at the evening briefing. Some shorter stages can have a later start.

How do you assign the starting grid?

Stage 1 has a starting grid based on the race number assigned. Elite athletes are assigned the lowest numbers, as well as riders who ranked well the previous year, and start first. For the successive stages, the general classification (GC) after each stage is used to assign the starting grid. The starting grid will be posted at the race office as well as at the entrance of the race village restaurant and broadcast via Telegram.

What happens if a rider has to withdraw?

For all cases, please refer to the rules of the race.

Is there a time limit to finish the stage?

For safety reasons and logistics, we have to establish a time limit to finish the stages. The cut-off time of each stage is communicated in the morning, once the weather conditions have been assessed and eventual modification to the course made. In some of the stages, a cut-off time might be established at the mid-race point.

Is the course marked?

Yes, the course is marked with arrows and tape. People with flags will marshal some of the intersections.

Will the GPS tracks be made available?

Yes, the GPS tracks will be available and it is mandatory to use them for navigation in conjunction with course markings.


What is the Race Village?

The race village is your and our home that moves with us for the duration of the race. Hosting towns arrange for us to set up in their historical centers or main squares with the start/finish line and expo. The host villages also allow us to use their schools, gyms, and other buildings, and therefore sleeping will be indoor dorms and no tents are needed. Dorms are supplied with electricity and bathrooms with showers.

Can I invite my fiancé, family, dog, etc.… to the Race Village?

Only athletes (racing or not), staff, volunteers, and accredited companions have access and are allowed in the dormitory of the race village. The expo/entertainment area around the finish line is also open to spectators and companions.

Where can I find the organizer’s office inside the Race Village?

The office that interacts with athletes and team manager is the race office. The race office is in charge of coordinating all services directly related to the race but it can also direct you on where and how to address other needs, or call the managers of the Race Village or logistics. Look for the race office sign.

Will there be mechanical assistance and spare parts available?

In the Race Village there might be partners and sponsors that provide mechanical assistance and sell spare parts (not part of the race organization).  Furthermore, you can purchase the Extra mechanical package.


What meals are included?

Breakfasts and dinners are provided by the organization thanks to the host cities. Lunch: a portion of pasta or rice, fruit and several types of beverages will be available at the end of the stages. One of the things that participants – especially international participants – will appreciate the most is the possibility to replenish the burned calories with delicious meals of the traditional cuisine of Emilia Romagna. Emilia Romagna offers without a doubt one of the best cuisine of Italy, if not the world!

Dinners will be the expression of tradition and genuineness and, as you can imagine, pasta will be the protagonist!

Dinners will consist of three courses plus dessert or fruit.

For each course, there will be a vegetarian option. Breakfasts will have a non-dairy milk option. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate people with other types of diets and allergies (please contact us about this).

For meal times go to this page where you will see how a race day takes place.

What is supplied in the feed zones during the race?

In the major feed zones, you will find fresh and dried fruit, nuts, bread with sweet and savory toppings, pies, energy bars, gels, electrolyte sports drink, water and cola.

In other feed zones, you will find gel, electrolyte sports drink, water and cola.

The staff and volunteers at the feed zone cannot pass you food or fill water bottles.