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Appenninica MTB Stage Race Rules and Regulations


The organizers

Appenninica MTB Stage Race is a competitive sporting event organized by ASD Happy Trail MTB (registered office in Alto Reno Terme -Province of Bologna). For the purposes of these regulations, “organizers” means ASD Happy Trail MTB.


The full name of the event is Appenninica MTB Stage Race. At times, the word “Appenninica” may be used alone. For the purposes of this regulation “Appenninica may be referred to using the word “race”.

Race format

Mountain bike race over several consecutive days consisting of 5 stages. Participants compete as single riders (Solo).


The race is open to FCI-licence holders and non-licence-holders alike. Therefore, the race can be entered by:

– Riders holding a racing license issued by FCI (Italian Cycling Federation) or by one of the sports promotion bodies that have signed an agreement with FCI; foreign riders holding a racing licence recognized by UCI.  

– Riders without a racing licence, but holding a medical certificate specific for cycling competitions and a Day Licence, which is compulsory (and available at an extra cost).

Age of Participants

All participants must be over 19 years and under 70 years of age.

Entry Fee

The value of the entry fee will be published on www.appenninica-mtb.com website. Only riders that have paid in full for their entry and for any extras pre-booked at their own discretion, will be able to take part in the race.

Registration and Accreditation

Only pre-registered participants will be able to take part in the race.

All participants must report to the accreditation office, set-up in the venue of the 1st stage or prologue, at the time that will be announced by the organizers on the website of the event.

To complete the accreditation all participants will need an identity document and the FCI racing licence (or the UCI equivalent) or, if they do not hold a racing licence, a medical certificate less than 12-month old.

Upon the completion of the accreditation process, this regulation is deemed accepted, together with any subsequent modification. Furthermore, all requirements verbally communicated by the organizers or race director to integrate or partially amend this regulation are also regarded as accepted.


In addition to the overall ranking, category rankings will also be established as follows:

  • SOLO Men
  • SOLO Women (All categories)
  • SOLO Master (Men 40 or older in 2024)
  • SOLO Grand Master (Men 50 or older in 2024)
  • SOLO Great Grand Master (Men 60 or older in 2024)

Money prize

Money prize for the overall ranking (men and women) is:

  • 1st place in the GC 1.000 Euro
  • 2nd place in the GC 600 Euro
  • 3rd place in the GC 325 Euro

Health of Participants

Each competitor claims to be in good health and fit for the demands and psycho-physical requirements of the race.

The organizer reserves the right to refuse a participant to start or continue in the race if this is deemed necessary on medical grounds, following a consultation with the race doctor. In this case, the decision is without appeal.


Only mountain bikes will be permitted in the event. Bicycles that make use of any type of pedal-assisted technology – electric or not – will not be permitted.

Wheel diameter and tire width are at the discretion of the participants.

Bicycles must be kept in working order and good conditions for the entire duration of the race. Teams are deemed responsible for the safe functioning of their bicycles.

Race Number

Every participant will be supplied with a number plate marked with the name and number.

Number plates must be fastened to the front of the handlebar; they must be easily readable for the entire duration of each stage.

In case of loss or damage of the number board, participants must stop by the race office at the end of the stage to inform the organizers of the situation and be given another number plate.

Only competitors equipped with the race number will be admitted to the start grid.

The number board cannot be modified or covered in any way.

Helmet and Required Equipment

Appenninica is a race that requires the use of gear in perfect conditions, tools and spare parts for maintenance, and clothing for cold/wet weather.

A protective helmet that meets recognised standards (ASTM, EN1078, CPSC or Snell B95) is compulsory at all times while racing.

Helmets must be undamaged, well fitted and always securely fastened.

Riders are required to pin a number on the back of the cycling jersey, even if partially hidden by the hydration pack or temporarily covered by a waterproof/windproof layer.

Only the riders leading the overall classifications can wear the leaders’ jerseys during the following stage.

All participants must wear their identification bracelet at all times during the entire duration of the race, starting from the moment they check-in.

Each competitor at the start line must be carrying at least 1.5 litres of water.

Moreover, each competitor must have with him/her:

  • Multitool
  • Mobile phone
  • A spare derailleur hanger
  • A waterproof/windproof shell
  • Two energy bars
  • All needed to repair at least two punctures


  • A GPS device, switched on and in recording mode
  • A first-aid kit with an emergency blanket
  • A chain tool and 2 quick links

Equipment not permitted:

  • Walkie-talkies / two-ways radios
  • Earphones
  • Bike luggage racks
  • Bar ends not equipped with rubber plugs
  • Any other component or accessory that race director deems potentially dangerous
  • Gopros or action cams if not previously authorized by the organizers


The electronic timing chip must be fastened to the bicycle following the instructions supplied with the chip.

The timing chip cannot be moved from one bicycle to another – not even to the bike of a team mate – the penalty is disqualification.

The start time of the grid the rider belongs to, will start the rider’s timing for the day, that will end when he/she crosses the electronic mat at the finish line. The classification will be established on the basis of the time taken to complete the stage, as measured between the start of the corresponding grid and the crossing of the finish line, plus any accumulated time penalty (see Penalties).

Checks may be carried out along the race course to make sure that every rider crosses the intermediate control point within the cut-off time (see Maximum Time and Control Point).

Grids at start line

One or more starting grids will be arranged at the start line, on the basis of the overall classification.

The grids can be entered half an hour prior to the start time.

Riders must enter their corresponding grid no later than five minutes prior to the start time. If a rider does not turn up at the grid check-in or if late, he/she will be moved to the last-starting grid with no time penalty (but their timing for the day will start with the setting off of the grid they have been moved to).

Under no circumstance riders can change start grid on their own initiative.

In case of delay or problems, riders will be able to set off for the stage – at the latest – 10 minutes after the start of the last grid (their timing for the day will begin with the official start time of the last grid). All riders that are setting off late (and not within one of the start grids) must report to the race officer in charge of the start line. Otherwise, the team will be accorded a DNS status (Did Not Start).

The grouping into start grids will be displayed in the race office and announced in any other additional way the organizers will arrange (with Telegram app messages, text messages, etc).

Finish Line

Riders must cross the finish line (on or off the saddle) in order for the stage to be considered completed.

For logistical and/or safety reasons the finish line and the timing mat could be located a few meters apart.

In case of a sprint or group finish, competitors are forbidden to deviate from the selected trajectory; instead, they must aim straight towards the finish line as soon as this is in sight. Competitors who fail to act within this rule may be liable to penalty (see Penalties).

Team Work, Behavior, and Support

All riders must act with good sportsmanship and with fair-play throughout the race. Riders shall let faster riders pass – as soon as feasible – without obstructing in any way.

A competitor can stop to wait or go back to give support to a team mate – at all times taking care not to create dangerous situations for other competitors or him/herself.

Riders belonging to the same team can, at their discretion, work out a race tactic together or collaborate while repairing mechanicals, even swapping bike components, but not the entire bike.

All participants still riding but not competing for the classification (number board struck through) must remain neutral and cannot support other teams’ riders as ‘domestiques’.

External mechanical assistance, or any other type of support not arranged by the organizers, can only be provided within the specific designated areas in proximity to the feed zones (Assistance Zone).

Assistance outside the designated areas may be liable to Penalty.

Prologue/Time trial

The prologue and any possible time trial (in editions that include it) are regulated by this article. For anything not mentioned here, all rules described in the other articles apply.

Team riders and Solo riders must reach the area of the start line 15 minutes before the time they have been allocated for the start.

The start takes place rider by rider – this is not a mass start – with one rider setting off every 30 seconds.

The start time will be displayed in the race office and announced in any other additional way the organizers will consider useful and necessary.

Time results after the prologue will be used to determine the distribution of riders in the start grids on stage 1.

Time results after prologue and at time trial will be added to every participant’s overall timing and used for general and category rankings, as it happens for any other stage of the competition.

Riders that are not ready into the start line when called by the race officer, will not be able to set off and their time will equal that of the last-classified team plus a 10-minute penalty.

Race marking and Navigation

Riders shall rely on the GPS tracks provided by the organizer for each stage navigation.

The race course may be marked – at the discretion of the organizers – by arrows and signs other than with signage tape.

The arrows, where posted, will point the direction to follow, a change of directions, cross roads, and other situations that call for special attention. The arrows will be red over a yellow background and 25×12,5 cm in dimension.

GPS tracks will be available for download one week before the competition. It is mandatory that you use a GPS device during the race with the GPX tracks provided uploaded in order to navigate the course.

In case of discrepancy, the GPS tracks will have priority over the indications provided by arrows.

Volunteers, event staff or municipal police officers may oversee some crossroads.

Competitors are deemed responsible for their navigation on route and they should not rely on directions provided by supporters or people that are not members of the event staff.

No shortcut is permitted, at any time, by bike nor on foot.

Where more riding lines are possible and still part of the main race track, competitors are authorized to choose at their own discretion.

Cutting corners or detouring from the main trail is not permitted.

If a rider needs to temporarily exit the course, he/she must return to the course at the same exact point from which he/she exited.

Special Marking

A sign with 3 arrows pointing down shall be placed 10/20 mt before an obstacle or a potentially dangerous section to call for extra caution.

Missing signs and sabotage of race course arrows

In order to solve problems with missing signs (no signs, no arrows, and no barrier tape) or manumission (markings or arrows have been moved or rotated), the GPS track shall be followed except for the following cases:

  • Riders are instructed at the evening briefing or at the morning briefing to follow the route markings and not the GPS;
  • Organizer staff along the race course indicates the route to follow or a detour.

Stage modifications

Organizers reserve the right to shorten or even cancel a stage where the conditions necessary to maintain the original route are not met.

In the case a stage is cancelled while under way, the classification will only be validated if 51% of the competitors who set off for the stage have already reached the finish line. Otherwise, the stage standing will be cancelled. The competitors prevented from continuing while on route will be ranked using a time for the uncompleted stage that is assigned on the basis of a coefficient established using their category classification.

Cut-off time

The finishing time limit is calculated according to distance, elevation gain, terrain and weather conditions for the day.

The finishing time limit (cut off time) for the stage will be announced in the morning after considering weather conditions and possible changes to the race course. The established cut off time will be displayed both in the race office and at the entrance of the start grids.

For long stages, the organizers may arrange additional control points – with a corresponding cut off time – at the feed zones.

At the discretion of the organizers, a competitor who doesn’t meet the cut-off time at any of the intermediate control points may continue, or be withdrawn from the stage. In both cases, the status in the classification at the end of the day will be DNF.

For safety reasons and at their sole discretion, organizers reserve the right to establish other intermediate control points.

DNF status

A rider that has not met the cut-off time will be able to set off at the start of the following stage but will not compete for the classification (DNF status).

A rider that does not meet the cut-off time on two occasions will be withdrawn from the event.

The race number board struck through identifies a rider participating in the race but not competing for the classification because the cut-off time has not been met on one occasion.

Riders still riding but with the number board struck through must remain neutral and cannot support others as ‘domestiques’. Likewise, they cannot hinder or slow down others still competing.

Penalties and Disqualifications

Short cutting the race course may be immediately sanctioned with the disqualification. Organizers may request teams to hand in their recorded GPS track in order to verify any possible anomaly in the route they rode.

Other reasons for disqualification include:

Replacing a rider or passing the timing chip to another rider

Not permitted external assistance

30-minute penalties for:

Dangerous behavior or unsportsmanlike conduct

Dropping and leaving litter, including inner tubes and CO2 cartridges

15-minute penalties for:

Not being equipped with the required gear

Race officials along the race course and by bike reserve the right to disqualify or penalize any rider not following the designated race course or breaching the other rules listed in this document.

Safety and Street Laws

Competitors must comply with street laws, ride on the right side of the road and, most importantly, must not invade the opposite lane when going around turns; competitors must use caution when crossing cars and other trail users.


In the case of withdrawal, the competitors must notify the organizers as soon as possible that they will not start (DNS) or continue (DNF) on course.

Withdrawal decision cannot be changed and must be formalized by calling the race office or handing in the race number to a race official along the route.

Competitors withdrawing from the race will be accorded a DNF status in the classification and they will not be able to continue competing for the classification.

Competitors who withdrew from the race will be responsible for reaching the race village at the finish of the stage.

Organizers may provide vehicles – normally used for the logistics – to help transfer competitors who withdrew and who may be charged all costs incurred, to the finish line of the stage.

Once they reach the race village, competitors who withdrew will be able to request assistance regarding their continuation off classification or the way to get to the location of the last finish, in order to retrieve their vehicle and/or bike bag.

Competitors who withdrew from the race but have not communicated their choice will be assumed to be on course. This will likely result in the launch of a rescue operation, and the accountable competitors will be charged all costs incurred.

Use of images and image rights

All those who participate in the competition authorize the organizers and their partners to the use of their images and their name, for promotional purposes concerning the race and the region hosting the event. At the registration check-in all participants will be asked to give their explicit authorization in accordance with current privacy laws.

Changes to the rules and regulations

Organizers reserve the right to change and to expand the rules and regulations. The latest version will be the one published online.